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Our 2020 Mission goal is to send 2000 Bibles to our connected churches in Nigeria. One of the most explosive hotbeds of Christian Evangelism in history. 1000's are lead each week to the saving knowledge of Jesus, however the false teachings of the prosperity gospel have swept into this nation and taken advantage of their lack of biblical knowledge. Help keep this area red hot and fight the heretical teachings head on by providing these new soldiers in Christ with the one weapon they need. TRUTH.You can donate as little as a dollar. This ministry was created by Teaching Truth Today and our connected churches in Nigeria. So there is NO ADMIN FEES, handling cost or shipping charges. Each dollar goes directly toward the purchase of a hardcover KJV bible for the new believer to use while going through our 20/20 Vision Series. Any donations you can give is a blessing.



The Story

2020 - Where is the HOTTEST bed for Christian Evangelism in the World?



The prosperity gospel has swept in with get rich quick pastors, telling lies and collecting money. It's a heresy that's catching fire almost as fast as people are being saved. This CAN be shut down, there IS 1 way. These people need Truth. A new Christian armed with the truth and a desire to read and learn is NO MATCH against False teachings. The Truth will hammer it down. Never has there been a more effective or needed place and time for a bible distribution ministry. Teaching Truth Today has set up a 2020 Ministry goal to arm 2000 new soldiers directly in the zone, ready to learn, teach and fight this heresy. We should all be thankful for the courage and desire these Christian leaders have to take this head on. We have established church contacts in Nigeria who brought this to our attention. We established a battle plan. We have a Christian book store owner in Logos logos, Nigeria who will work with us on supply, eliminating ALL shipping and handling costs. We have no fees, no associations to pay services to, no handling charges. We have eliminated every reason churches bible distribution programs lose ministry funding's and go away. On our side, a PayPal account has been set up with a local baptist church acting as the trustee to the account. Our links will be operational by March 1st. You'll be able to donate as little as 1 dollar. We should feel blessed to have the opportunity to directly effect the lives of such anxious new Christians eager to do battle. Every dollar donated goes directly towards the purchase of a hardcover KJVbible. Each month the account will distribute for the bibles to be received by our connected churches. We will have recorded Skype video updates along the way and you will SEE and continue to see 1st hand just how effective your contribution is. We encourage you donate, we ask for your prayers.

Thank you,

Mike Allen Program Director & Ifeanyichukwu Osuoha TTTIM Commander, Nigerian Administrator

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