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Michael Allen

The Story

My name is Mike Allen and I was raised in St.Louis, Mo.  My father was a rock-n-roll guitar player and later a self employed contractor. As a kid, I always excelled at sports. At 12 years old I became a sponsered skateboarder. Popularity came easy but the party lifestyle led me astray. I was raised Catholic, was an alter boy, wasnt serious about it. By 14 I had left church, 17 left home and by 18 became a father . I didn't come to Christ until I was 26.  I was already a dad to 4 of my 5 children, it was then I began my search for truth.


My love for sports and being a coach led me right into youth ministries.

  I began the slow climb of finding truth, studying my bible and praying. Many churches, doctrines, styles, and approaches, I found the more that I read my bible the more baptist I became in doctrine. This became much clearer after I settled in my heart what salvation was, and that you can never loose it.

I began a 3 year mission of studying and teaching salvation. I got into ministry when my coaching kids crossed my new church home. As my children each got saved I started to follow my calling in youth ministry. Starting with athletics and getting the athletic kids into church and the church kids into athletics. After moving to a small town I got involved in AWANA. Just a helper at first, teaching kids to memorize verses I didn't even know. Eventually I became a teacher and then director of T&T boys.

I entered into seminary at 34, Bi-Vocationally, for Pastoral Ministries and Theology.

I started a non-profit organization called C-YA (Christian Youth Association) to help reach out to youth through sports and athletics. In 2009 at 35 I started a ministry called " Bon-Fire Bible Study " as it grew and changed, we moved from southwest Mo. back to St.Louis.

In 2011,  I completed year 1 of masterlife discipleship training program. Studied seminart extensions, on line courses, found a great resource through the C.S. Lewis Institute.  We produced our 50th Bon-Fire Bible Study and have witnessed many to salvation and baptisms. I have been the chairmen of the Bible Bee Local Planning Committee and have hosted the event. I am invited yearly to the Nationals as a judge.

 Then next few years, I had a "help the homeless" ministry in downtown St.Louis and served as a Sunday school teacher for age 22-35, I found the importance of discipleship training in the area of apologetics, still reaching the lost, I have found the best form of evangelism is through discipleship.

 We started Teaching Truth Today as a discipleship training ministry with our mission being to be the best contribution to the Great Commission we can.

Reach the lost and make disciples.

To help produce our visions of this ministry and goal of teaching truth on a global scale, I need support from people like you. I just want to thank you for taking the time to learn about me. Please pray for us, share and invite others to subscribe to our you tube channel and see all of us grow at your discipleship training home, Teaching Truth Today....


Teaching Truth Today

We offer discipleship training programs that meet you where you are at in your Christian walk. Our 20/20 Vision is to pick you up on your journey and provide you with training that has no end to the depth you wish to grow. Start with our 20/20 Vision Discipleship Series. Video shorts that are followed up with matching audiopodcast sure to get you spiritually focused and discipled in basic biblical theology. We have testimony videos from around the world that will leave you inspired and wanting more. For our next level of your training we offer Biblical Commentary, an audiopodcasts series that starts in the Gospel of John.  You can check our our NEW series Digging Up Truth, video shorts and audiopodcasts that explore biblical archeology.  Our Apologetics training is second to none. FREE On-Line introduction to apologetics course with a FREE E-Book download to start. We have Book Reviews that give you a reading plan to take you well into your next level of training. Your apologetics training is capped off with the BEST On-Line training courses that have no end to the depth you wish to study and grow.



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