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HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

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If you want to masterlife, you must spend time with the Master -

God. It's as simple as that. But I know that's easier said than done, especially with the busyness and distractions of everyday life. So, let me break down some practical ways that you can prioritize spending time with God and growing in your faith.

First and foremost, you need to make quiet time a priority in your life. This means setting aside a specific time each day to read the Bible, pray, and reflect on your relationship with God. It might be early in the morning before everyone else is awake, during your lunch break, or in the evening before bed. Whatever time works best for you, make sure to stick to it consistently.

Now, I know that sometimes it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to reading the Bible. That's why I recommend using a systematic study method. This means selecting a specific book of the Bible or topic and working through it systematically, one chapter or section at a time. You can use study guides or devotionals to help guide your reading and reflection.

Another great way to spend time with God is through prayer. And I'm not just talking about reciting memorized prayers or requests for help. I'm talking about having a real, honest conversation with God. Share your thoughts, feelings, hopes, and fears with Him. Ask Him for guidance, wisdom, and strength. And don't forget to take time to listen for His voice as well.

One thing that's been really helpful for me in my own spiritual journey is finding an accountability partner or study buddy. This is someone who shares your faith and is committed to growing in discipleship alongside you. By meeting regularly to discuss your spiritual journey, hold each other accountable, and offer support and encouragement, you can both grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with God.

And finally, consider keeping a journal of your spiritual journey. This can be a great way to reflect on your progress, record your thoughts and feelings, and see how far you've come. Plus, it can be a great resource to look back on in times of doubt or struggle.

So, to sum it up, if you want to masterlife, you must spend time with the Master - God. Make quiet time a priority, use a systematic study method, pray, find an accountability partner or study buddy, and consider keeping a journal. These are all practical ways to prioritize your relationship with God and grow in your faith.

So, here's my call to action for you - make salvation and discipleship a priority in your life. Spend time with the Master every day, find an accountability partner or study buddy, and consider bringing your faith to school by starting a group. And if you're not already subscribed to our channel, please do so! We have lots of great content coming up that I think you'll find helpful in your spiritual journey.

In conclusion, let's not waste any time when it comes to our faith. Let's seek salvation, grow in discipleship, and live a life that's filled with purpose and meaning. Thanks for listening

Love Lexi Don


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I’m Pastor Mike Allen from Teaching Truth Today, I am honored this morning to explore the passion narrative of the crucifixion account in John 19.

Why was Jesus Crucified?

What is the REAL Significance of the Crucifixion?

What Happened during the Crucifixion?

And what ill spend the most time on here, What Does the Crucifixion Mean for Us Today?

Grab your bibles and turn there and I’ll give you the backdrop and what we will be looking at.

This chapter of the Gospel is significant, as it provides a detailed account of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus, which is the cornerstone of Christian theology.

The crucifixion of Jesus is the central event in the Christian faith, and it is essential that we fully understand its significance.

John 19:1-16: The Roman soldiers take Jesus to be crucified. This section highlights the unjust treatment of Jesus at the hands of the Roman authorities and serves as a reminder of the sacrifice he was willing to make for us.

John 19:17-27: The crucifixion of Jesus. This section emphasizes the deep love of God for us, as Jesus willingly gave up his life on the cross.

John 19:28-30: The declaration of fulfillment. This section shows us that the events of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of scripture and the will of God.

John 19:31-42: The placement of Jesus's body in the tomb. This section reminds us of the finality of Jesus's death but also serves as a foreshadowing of the resurrection that was to come.

Greetings, my fellow truth-seekers! I am Mike Allen from Teaching Truth Today, and it is my honor to explore with you this morning the passion narrative of the crucifixion account in John 19. Why was Jesus crucified? What is the real significance of the crucifixion? What happened during the crucifixion? These are questions that have plagued humanity for centuries, and today, we will dive into the answers. But more than that, we will explore what the crucifixion means for us today. So, grab your bibles and prepare yourself for a journey that will forever change the way you see the world. This chapter of the Gospel is not just significant - it is life-changing.

Why was Jesus Crucified?

Many people ask why Jesus was crucified, and it is a fair question. To understand the answer, we need to look at the forensic evidence from the testimonies of the other gospels. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record that Jesus was brought before the Jewish authorities and accused of blasphemy. The Jewish leaders considered him a threat to their power, and they saw his teachings as heretical. However, because they did not have the authority to execute him, they took Jesus to the Roman governor, Pilate, accusing him of rebellion against Rome.

Pilate initially did not find Jesus guilty of any crime, but under pressure from the Jewish leaders and the crowd, he eventually gave in and ordered Jesus to be crucified. This decision was not based on any wrongdoing on the part of Jesus but rather on the political and religious tensions of the time.

What Happened during the Crucifixion?

The crucifixion of Jesus is a gruesome event, and it is essential that we understand the full extent of what happened. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all provide different perspectives and details of the crucifixion.

The physical suffering that Jesus endured was horrific. He was beaten, whipped, and forced to carry his cross to the place of execution. Once there, he was stripped, nailed to the cross, and left to die. The pain and suffering that he endured were unimaginable.

However, physical suffering was not the only aspect of the crucifixion. Jesus also endured emotional and spiritual suffering. He was abandoned by his friends, mocked by the soldiers, and felt the weight of the world's sins on his shoulders. He cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46) - a powerful expression of the depth of his anguish.

What is the Significance of the Crucifixion?

The crucifixion of Jesus is not simply a historical event - it is the central event in the Christian faith. It is through his death and resurrection that we are saved from our sins and reconciled with God. The forensic evidence from the testimonies of the other gospels confirms this truth.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record that when Jesus died, the curtain in the temple was torn in two, symbolizing the removal of the barrier between God and humanity. The Gospel of John records that when Jesus died, he declared, "It is finished" (John 19:30) - a powerful statement of the completion of his work on earth.

The significance of the crucifixion is also evident in the life of the early church. The Apostle Paul, in his letters to the Corinthians and Galatians, emphasizes the centrality of the crucifixion in the Christian faith. He writes, "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures" (1 Corinthians 15:3).

What Does the Crucifixion Mean for Us Today?

The crucifixion of Jesus is not just an event that happened in the past - it has significant implications for our lives today. It is through the crucifixion that we are reconciled with God and given the hope of eternal life.

As we reflect on the events of the crucifixion as recounted in John 19, we see the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was not simply an event that happened long ago. Still, it is a powerful reminder of God's love for us and the hope that we have for the future. It is a demonstration of the depth of God's love and the lengths to which he was willing to go to reconcile us to himself. Through the death of Jesus on the cross, our sins can be forgiven, and we can be reconciled to God.

The truth is, the crucifixion of Jesus is just as relevant and important to us now as it was to the early Christians.

Hebrews 12:1-5 provides us with a powerful metaphor for understanding the significance of the crucifixion in our lives.

The author of Hebrews writes,

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood."

The "cloud of witnesses" that the author refers to are the faithful men and women who have gone before us, and who have lived out their faith in God despite the challenges they faced. The author encourages us to lay aside the things that weigh us down and to run the race that is set before us with endurance. This is possible only when we fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the founder and perfecter of our faith.

The author of Hebrews goes on to explain that Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before him. In other words, Jesus was able to endure the suffering and shame of the cross because he knew that it was necessary for the salvation of all who would believe in him. He looked beyond the present moment to the joy that was set before him, knowing that he would be seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

This means that even in the midst of great suffering and pain, Jesus had his eyes fixed on the ultimate goal, which was his resurrection and ascension to heaven. As we look back to the cross, we are also looking forward to the joy that is set ahead for us in heaven.

At the cross, the sacrifice of Jesus made it possible for us to have a relationship with God and to experience the fullness of joy that comes from knowing him. We can endure the challenges of life when we fix our eyes on Jesus and look forward to Him.

The crucifixion also serves as a model for us to follow in our own lives. Just as Jesus was willing to give up everything for the sake of others, we too are called to sacrifice for the sake of others. This might mean sacrificing our time, resources, or desires for the good of others. When we follow Jesus's example of sacrificial love, we not only bless others, but we also experience the joy that comes from living a life of purpose and meaning.

In conclusion, the events of John 19 and the crucifixion of Jesus have profound implications for our lives today. Through a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural context, archeological discoveries, and forensic evidence from the testimonies in the other gospels, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the significance of the crucifixion in the larger story of the gospel.

Ultimately, the crucifixion serves as a reminder of God's love for us, the power of sacrifice, and the hope and new life that can arise even in the face of death and suffering. The resurrection of Jesus, which follows the crucifixion in the gospel of John, shows us that even in the darkest moments of our lives, that is still true. Through Jesus, we have the promise of eternal life, and we can be assured that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

As we fix our eyes on Jesus, we can endure the challenges of life with the knowledge that we are running the race that is set before us with endurance. We can also follow Jesus's example of sacrificial love, knowing that when we give up our own desires for the sake of others, we not only bless others but also experience the joy that comes from living a life of purpose and meaning. So let us fix our eyes on Jesus.

These verses remind us that we are not alone in our faith journey. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and who have also experienced the trials and difficulties of life. We are encouraged to throw off anything that hinders us and to run the race of life with perseverance, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Finally, the crucifixion reminds us of the hope and new life that can arise even in the face of death and suffering. The resurrection of Jesus, which follows the crucifixion in the gospel of John, shows us that even in the darkest moments of our lives, there is hope. Through Jesus, we have the promise of eternal life, and we can be assured that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

In conclusion, the events of John 19 and the crucifixion of Jesus are of utmost importance to us as believers. They remind us of the depth of God's love, the power of sacrifice, and the hope that we have in Jesus. As we look back to the cross, we are also looking forward to the joy that is set ahead for us in heaven. May we be inspired to live lives of love, sacrifice, and hope, knowing that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and that our ultimate goal is to be with Jesus for eternity.

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