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Welcome to your Discipleship Training Home. We meet you where you are at in your Christian walk. Our goal is to pick you up on your journey and provide you with your training that has no end to the depth you wish to grow. 
Start with our 20/20 Vision series. Video shorts that are followed up with matching audio podcasts sure to get you spiritually focused and discipled in basic biblical theology. All of our video and podcasts series are free to download. 
We have 20 testimony videos from around the world that will leave you inspired and wanting more. For our next level of your training we offer "Key Word Study" , an audiopodcasts series that starts in the Gospel of John.  You can check out our NEW series "Digging Up Truth" , video shorts and audiopodcasts that explore biblical archaeology 1 dig at a time. 

Our Apologetics training is second to none. We offer a FREE On-Line introduction to apologetics course from the C.S. Lewis Institute with a FREE E-Book download to start. We have Book Club with Book Review Videos that give you an Apologetics Reading Plan to take you well into your next level of training. Your apologetics training is capped off with the BEST On-Line training courses that have no end to the depth you wish to study and grow.


HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

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If you're new to our site or new in Christ, this is where you start.   20/20 Vision gives you the first 20 Videos you need to watch for spiritual clarity to move you into your next level of discipleship.  Let your journey with us begin.


This Is My Story

Testimonies From Around the World

Video Testimonies of people from around the world that will inspire you to do what God's will is for your life, by seeing the changes He has made in people who have trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. See where they came from and how they have went on to impact society for the heavenly kingdom. We have selected 20 for you to meet, view this with your training and follow them in our Blog.


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Discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person based on the group, class, or category to which that person is perceived to belong. Racism is a specific form of discrimination that involves prejudice or intolerance towards people based on their perceived race. Racism can take many forms, such as individual acts of hate or bias, as well as systemic discrimination that is built into the policies and structures of institutions and societies. Racism has a long and complex history in the United States, dating back to the country's founding. The first Africans to arrive in the American colonies were brought as slaves in the 1600s, and for over two centuries, slavery was a central aspect of the American economy and society. During this time, enslaved Africans were considered property and were subjected to brutal treatment, including physical abuse, rape, and the tearing apart of families through the sale of individuals. After the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, African Americans faced new forms of oppression, including segregation, discrimination in education and employment, and the rise of lynching as a tool of terror. In the mid-20th century, the Civil Rights Movement emerged, led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., to challenge institutionalized racism and demand equal rights for African Americans. Despite the passage of important legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, systemic racism persisted, and continues to do so today in areas such as housing, criminal justice, and education. Racism has also been directed towards other minority groups in the United States, including Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinx Americans. Each group has faced different forms of discrimination, but all have been subjected to prejudice, stereotypes, and unequal treatment throughout the country's history. In recent years, there has been a renewed movement to address and combat racism, fueled in part by high-profile incidents of police violence against African Americans and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement. While progress has been made in some areas, the persistence of racial disparities and ongoing incidents of racism serve as a reminder that much work remains to be done in the struggle for racial justice in the United States.

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20 TRUTHS of CHRISTMAS - #2 Jesus was born for YOU!


LUKE 2:8-10

And in the same region there were SHEPHERDS out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear.

And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for [ALL the PEOPLE].



This is my last one and the last biblical characters I use.

Why them?

Disinclusion elimination.

. We have angels, Prophets and wise magi, Mary and Joseph,and bloodlines,Kings,Apostles, prophecies and all these GREAT BIBLICAL HISTORICAL figures used,

But most telling of His nature, He came to the lowly, the homeless,the less desirable, the sinners, the gentiles.

Even to the SHEPHERDS!


SHEPHERDS [poimen](greek) in Hebrew pronounced (beta-a-wan)The undeserving nobody.

Undeserving LIKE ME.

Salvation must start with humility. Blessed are the poor in spirit. That should be all of us. We all sin and fall short. Throughout the bible, sin = death, eternal death, but Gods gift is eternal life. Through His plan of redemption, His plan of salvation, which is Jesus Christ.

Even if everyone on earth rejected or denied Jesus, He still would have died on the cross for you. Even if it was just for you.

Rom 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Rom 10:10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.



"you will find him wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger.” When Christ was here upon earth, he distinguished himself, and made himself remarkable, by nothing so much as the instances of his humiliation."

--Matthew Henery.--


Even came to the lowly (bet-a-won) as well.


So all the proof of His TRUTHS and all the TRUTHS of CHRISTMAS, really wouldn't mean a lot to me if it wasn't for me also.

We don't know His exact birth date but we chose December 25th.

Christmas is Jesus born as the fulfillment of prophecy of Gods promise of our salvation.

Our HOPE, born.

"ALL" of ours, Jesus came for you.


* I hope you have enjoyed reading and talking about these, as it is always a privilege and pleasure to spread God's word.

Tomorrow I have something different and enjoyable to close these out.



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