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HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

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20 Truths of Christmas - #3 It's in the Math. What Are the Probability Rates that Jesus was a Fraud?

The fulfillment of ALL the prophecies leaves NO ROOM for any impostors.


The fulfillment of ALL the prophecies leaves NO ROOM for any impostors.

. It's in the numbers. . Just think of what the O.T had to say about the future of the birth of Christ. Born of a Virgin, A sign will appear. The Royal Bloodline, the skipping over the curse. All 4 Geographical Locations associated with His birth are so specific, it eliminates any possible pretender. 100's of years in advance with 100% accuracy. God wanted to verify the credentials of the messiah. Of all the facts, truths and prophecies, when you put them all together, the evidence is overwhelmingly convincing. Anointed by the King makers of the world. The 3 gifts. Over 30, prophecies are fulfilled to 100% accuracy. . Just take 1/2 the prophecies.

You will find the chance of it happening randomly- a mathematical probability of chance being 1 in 1--(321 zero's.) That is more than the amount of every human being that has ever been on earth ( x ) several 1000. So basically not in billions of years could it ever happen by chance. . Logic is a division of probability rates. When there is 0 chance we can come to a logical conclusion of impossibility. Or that it's just ILLOGICAL that it could happen. These math odds go way farther than that. The numbers don't lie. 0 chance of it happening randomly. YET IT DID. 1 time. No room for a phony. Only God could pull it off. Impossible for someone to even meet 1/2 of them.




It's in the math. That's a good reason to believe Jesus is who He claimed . Logic dictates that He had to be who He claimed He was. God in human flesh, the savior of the world.



Not a single fact or piece of evidence but the rates of the entirety,

YET I only have that as #3. Well there is 1 story in the Christmas story still missing from the list. Can you guess which one?

It relates to you, I'm sure of it.


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20 TRUTHS OF CHRISTMAS - # 4 Mary was a virgin.

.Jesus is deity in human flesh.

(Romans 3:3-4) Let GOD be found true.

We can't deny it, ignore it or fully understand it. It never happened before or since. If Jesus had a human father, than the entire bible is absolutely untrustworthy.


If Jesus had a human father, than the entire bible is absolutely untrustworthy. Then our faith is dead. Who's son is He? Son of David, son of God. No human father. Conceived by the Holy Spirit. Sounds crazy but remember, the Holy Spirit did make all of creation. Made man then woman from man. So remember first off what IS possible with GOD.

To conquer sin, death and hell, He had to be God, only God could do that. We don't understand that but Mary didn't understand it either. She affirmed her virginity, she was the only one who could. Believed by NO ONE until divine revelation. She didn't understand but still submitted to the authority of God's Word.


Isaiah 7:14- Behold a virgin will be with child and bear a son and she will call His name Emmanuel.

Emmanuel means GOD WITH US.

To be the messiah, He had to be conceived by God, to be God. If Jesus is just a man, then His claims are lies, His salvation is a hoax and we are all in trouble. Virgin Birth is the only way to keep it all in tact. God had this plan all along. His plan of salvation is through Him and Him only. So this is the only way any part of Christianity can be true. How did He do it? I DON'T BEGIN TO KNOW. Gods word said it. No other way works. The proof is in the resurrection, but the deity of Jesus can be found in the virgin birth.


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20 Truths of Christmas - #5 Jesus has the right to reign as king.

Matthew presents his gospel to the Jews, introducing Jesus as their king. If Jesus has any credibility as a king, and the messiah, His family tree and the history of the royal bloodline must be identified.

Is the bloodline of Jesus cursed?


Matthew 1: 1-17-

Jews kept as good of genealogy records as any race or nation of people on earth. Especially the lines of royalty. They had to, they were TRIBAL.

[Ezekiel 2:62]- states that even the priest line had to be identified through geneology.

(2 Samuel 7:16)- God makes a covenant with David that his bloodline will be established forever, (2 Samuel 7:8-17) Says the messiah will come from David.

There are over 50 genealogies in the Old Testament. Matthew starts off the New Testament with the Royal Line. (vs.'s 1-17). He shows the legal side of the kingdom. Past through the father to the first born son.



Luke 3 shows Mary's genealogy and it's of lineal decent. Luke puts it in ascending order and Matthew puts it in descending order.



1. Jesus had no father.

2. Wasn't the royal bloodline cursed?

3. How was Jesus born a king, wouldn't He just be a prince?


This is where it gets just fascinating.

1. Luke shows his blood is of Mary's who is of David's.

Matthew 1:16 - Joseph was husband of Mary, not father of Jesus. But MARRIED to Mary, making Jesus legally having all rights as firstborn son of Joseph's. Constituted as his legal father.

2. THE CURSE. This is were it really comes together.

(vs.11) Josiah became the father of Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon.

(Jeremiah 22:30)- " For no man of his descendants will prosper sitting on the throne of David. Or ruling again in Judah., thus says the LORD."

3. This is the curse of Jeconiah.

. He was the last king before the Babylonian takeover and you know what, God was right. There have been no king since. Bible says can't be, won't ever be, until the kingdom of the messiah is established and that kingdom will never end. If Israel had kings in the days of Jesus and there was no curse the king would've been Joseph, making Jesus a prince. But a prince is the son of a king and because of the curse of Jeconiah, Joseph couldn't be king even if Israel still had them. It was unlawful. Yet he attained the royal bloodline heritage.

. Ahhh, but JESUS COULD. Mary was of royal blood by lineage from David to Nathan on down. Joseph was from David to Solomon through the kings line to Jeconiah right on down the legal line to him. Jesus was legally Joseph's son. If He was blood of Joseph, He would've been under the curse and never had right to reign, but HAD to be his son legally, still in the bloodline of David but not in the cursed blood. Curse is broken at the birth of the messiah, the king of kings. Virgin birth provided the way. Matthew starts out his book by showing us proof :

Jesus is the king, the messiah with full rights to reign, uncursed royal blood in legal line for the throne. 1st and only eligible to be so.



To me the Royal Bloodline evidence is a convincing knock out blow to the critics of Jesus. Shows His right to be the messiah, the king. When it comes to establishing who Jesus is.

He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.



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