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HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

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20 TRUTHS of CHRISTMAS - #6 There is a Christmas Story in the book of Revelation.

Christmas from a heavenly perspective. Revelation 12 shows us that it's not a time of peace, but a time of spiritual warfare.


The woman in (vs. 1) is not Mary.

Crown of 12 stars as well as other things tell us that it is the nation of Israel.

. (vs. 3) Satan is described in symbols of power, authority, and intelligence. [2 Corinthians -4]

. (vs. 4) shows he is to be antisemitic and antichrist. The devil stood before the woman, so that when she gave birth, he might devour her child. Stars swept away and thrown to earth are angels. Fallen angels. Always trying to wipe out Jesus and the chance at His birth.

From Exodus 1:16 to Matthew's account of Herod's slaughter. All throughout the bible we see Satan's efforts to destroy the Jews and Christ.


(vs. 5) - The baby IS JESUS. [Psalms 2:1]



Why Does the Devil Hate Christmas?

What Christmas is and why the devil hates it, is found in Genesis 3:15

[Genesis 3:15] - And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head and you will bruise Him on the heel.

Satan was warned about the birth of Jesus and its results.

** note- seed of a woman. Only 1 person ever came from the seed of a woman. (Jesus) That woman is Mary. Jesus had God as a father.

The defeat happened at the cross. Satan was defeated and Jesus is coming back in the end to put the devil away.


Some say the rest of the bible is commentary and events of that vs. (GEN 3:15). Satan always trying to take out Christ and the Jews and His ministry and His people. When you give your life to Jesus Christ, Satan can never have your soul, but he tries to take your time and your focus, your faith and your life.

. He has been behind Pharaoh, Babylon, Herod, Nero, the Nazi's Stalin, KKK, atheism, and every oppressor of the Jews and Christianity. Antisemitic and Antichrist at every opportunity. Even today especially at Christmas time.

. The war continues. Satan has cluttered up almost every Christian concept with needless paraphernalia until its TRUE meaning gets lost. He keeps us busy "Missing Christmas". Then today the war is on some new fronts like prayer removed from school, manger scenes in public taken down. No caroling in schools and the one that gets me is the lack of freedom to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS." That is diabolical.

None of this warfare should really be a surprise to us. The Christmas war has been going on since the beginning. Revelation 12 shows us that. Just remember that Satan already lost,


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20 Truths of Christmas - #7 The Inn Keeper is the first to miss Christmas.

A lonely birth.


LUKE 2:7 - Speaks of a lonely birth.

[she] {brought forth} [wrapped him]

Jews were very civilized people, a non barbaric society, yet the bible mentions no help for her cleaning the baby or wrapping it. Despised and rejected, even from birth it seems. swaddling cloth suggests pieces of torn cloth and they would wrap the babies limbs with, then wrap him in an over blanket.


No Room in the Inn- (inn) from the Greek word kataluma is not the word used for a hotel or motel but describes a type of lodging place. A guest room in a home of a friend or family member. Also used to describe a lean two shack, built to shelter travelers, an animal stable, a cave or safe dwelling place. It is a very elastic word and can have up to 5 different meanings and uses. We really have no way of for sure knowing what kind of Inn. We do know that whatever hospitality they sought, just wasn't there. So the Inn keeper missed Christmas and it was right in front of him. Turning away a pregnant mother to be and her husband.


Why and Why would someone do that?

Preoccupation I suppose. He didn't have to

be hostile or unsympathetic, or in different. Probably just to busy. After all every spare room may have been full and there would have been quite the activity going on in Bethlehem because of the census. So Jesus was born of the homeless. Homeless Mary and Joseph. Was Jesus born in a lean 2, a field, a cave, a stable. Nobody knows. He was placed in a manger. That's an animals feeding trough. When God came down he came ALL the way down. Down to a stable, down to sinners, to the lowly. Prophets said He would be rejected and despised by his people. Apparently that even included His birth. The Inn keeper had no room in the Inn, People today don't seem to have room for Jesus either. . Same reason, preoccupation. I look around and it's no wonder, so many people miss Christmas, so much has really cluttered it up. Preoccupied by all the paganism and busyness of the holidays. The simplicity of Christ's birth kinda gets swept away. People still miss Christmas, the chambers of their hearts get filled with needless things of human interests. Human interests squeeze out room for Christ. Don't you miss Christmas.


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20 Truths of Christmas - #8 Christmas Music has always been a part of Christmas time.

There are 5 hymns of praise in the bible associated with the birth of Jesus. Christmas music from the first Christmas.


Most notably " THE MAGNIFICAT " by Mary (Luke 1:46-55).

Also Gabriel (Luke 1:26-38), the heavenly hosts (Luke 2:13-14),Elisabeth (Luke 1:42-45). and Zachariah's song of salvation (Luke 1:67-80).



MAGNIFICAT (LATIN)- to Magnify, to exalt. Exalting God.

Sometimes called the "Hymn of the Incarnation"

This is Mary's hymn after getting confirmation of truth from Elisabeth. Full of FAITH she bursts out in PRAISE.

She heard God's Word, believed, acted upon it and then praised God. That is a model believer. This is perhaps the BEST example of true pure worship found in the entire bible. It is filled with scripture: from Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel 1-2, the prophets, the law of the Old Testament, to the Psalms. It is loaded with scripture. This is not a planned and written sermon or a prepared speech.

It shows that she knew her bible very well. It was fluent in her mind and buried deep in her heart. This shows that she was raised to Love God, to love HIS Word and know it well. She takes her known scripture and applies it to her situation in prayer. And it just FLOWS from her.

Some examples....

vs. 46 - Psalm 34:2,

vs. 47 - Isaiah 45:21,

vs. 48 - 1 Samuel 1:11, Psalm 136:23, Genesis 30:13,

vs. 49 - Psalm 126:3, Psalm 119:09

. She shows that she not only knows scripture but that she understands how to use it. She shows that she understands covenant theology, and God's nature.

** Think they may have done BIBLE TIME & Memory versus in her house growing up.**

It shows her biblical foundation and her belief. The object of adoration is NEVER her. The praise isn't for her, its for GOD. She doesn't claim to give blessings but that she would be CONSIDERED Blessed because of GOD.

Mary says she is His bond-servant (vs. 50).

His Mercy ( that's good salvation theology). She drew upon that power of her salvation in praise AND IS STRENGTHENED by it.

(as we can be also)

The power she gets from her praise allowed her to put away fear and return to her home.

In the Magnificat, Mary shows us the attitude of worship is in ones gratitude to God. That it is internal and intense.


(vs. 46) My soul EXALTS. (greek - Megaluna) We get the word MEGA. A swelling of or to make MAGNIFY [ Magnificat ]

She shows us it is habitual. By the present tense of the verb it shows a continuing action. Exalt(s) - Pray and praise without ceasing.

Worship comes from within her heart. Its not induced to generate a feeling.

MARY- model believer, model worshiper, example of true faith.

The inspiration to Bach's "Magnificat" and I'm sure many others.

What is your favorite Christmas song out there today?



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