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Welcome to your Discipleship Training Home. We meet you where you are at in your Christian walk. Our goal is to pick you up on your journey and provide you with your training that has no end to the depth you wish to grow. 
Start with our 20/20 Vision series. Video shorts that are followed up with matching audio podcasts sure to get you spiritually focused and discipled in basic biblical theology. All of our video and podcasts series are free to download. 
We have 20 testimony videos from around the world that will leave you inspired and wanting more. For our next level of your training we offer "Key Word Study" , an audiopodcasts series that starts in the Gospel of John.  You can check out our NEW series "Digging Up Truth" , video shorts and audiopodcasts that explore biblical archaeology 1 dig at a time. 

Our Apologetics training is second to none. We offer a FREE On-Line introduction to apologetics course from the C.S. Lewis Institute with a FREE E-Book download to start. We have Book Club with Book Review Videos that give you an Apologetics Reading Plan to take you well into your next level of training. Your apologetics training is capped off with the BEST On-Line training courses that have no end to the depth you wish to study and grow.


HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

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If you're new to our site or new in Christ, this is where you start.   20/20 Vision gives you the first 20 Videos you need to watch for spiritual clarity to move you into your next level of discipleship.  Let your journey with us begin.


This Is My Story

Testimonies From Around the World

Video Testimonies of people from around the world that will inspire you to do what God's will is for your life, by seeing the changes He has made in people who have trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. See where they came from and how they have went on to impact society for the heavenly kingdom. We have selected 20 for you to meet, view this with your training and follow them in our Blog.


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Updated: Feb 27, 2020

2020 Where is the HOTTEST bed for Christian Evangelism in the World? NIGERIA. Problem? -The prosperity gospel has swept in with get rich quick pastors, telling lies and collecting money. It's a heresy that's catching fire almost as fast as people are being saved. This CAN be shut down, there IS 1 way. These people need Truth. A new Christian armed with the truth and a desire to read and learn is NO MATCH against False teachings. The Truth will hammer it down. Never has there been a more effective or needed place and time for a bible distribution ministry. Teaching Truth Today has set up a 2020 Ministry goal to arm 2000 new soldiers directly in the zone, ready to learn, teach and fight this heresy. We should all be thankful for the courage and desire these Christian leaders have to take this head on. We have established church contacts in Nigeria who brought this to our attention. We established a battle plan. We have a Christian book store owner in Logos logos, Nigeria who will work with us on supply, eliminating ALL shipping and handling costs. We have no fees, no associations to pay services to, no handling charges. We have eliminated every reason churches bible distribution programs lose ministry funding's and go away. On our side, a PayPal account has been set up with a local baptist church acting as the trustee to the account. Our links will be operational by March 1st. You'll be able to donate as little as 1 dollar. We should feel blessed to have the opportunity to directly effect the lives of such anxious new Christians eager to do battle. Every dollar donated goes directly towards the purchase of a hardcover KJV bible. Each month the account will distribute for the bibles to be received by our connected churches. We will have recorded Skype video updates along the way and you will SEE and continue to see 1st hand just how effective your contribution is. We encourage you donate, we ask for your prayers.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL to stay up to date with this ministry. Thank you and God bless.



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20 Truths of Christmas #14 Elisabeth is personal confirmation to Mary. What made Mary go on the long journey to visit her aunt? What role does she have for us today?



Why did Mary go visit her relative?

At the time God had not spoken or shown miracles for 400 years. Luke 1:39-45 tells a story of 2 mothers miraculous conceptions. Elisabeth is proof to Mary that conceptual miracles are possible and confirms the truth of what the angel Gabriel had said, that God was truly at work. After the angel tells her she is pregnant by the Holy Spirit with the messiah, he then tells her that her relative, who is far past child bearing age, is 6 months pregnant.( a conceptual miracle itself ) Who would've believed Mary, a teenager, saying she is a virgin, but pregnant, by God??? Nobody!! Nobody, except Elisabeth. So immediately Mary leaves Nazareth and travels about 80 miles, roughly a 4 day journey. She was told Elisabeth is 6 months pregnant, a time of pregnancy that could easily be verified. She stays 3 months and leaves before Elisabeth has her baby. This shows Mary had to have left right away to see her. (6+3=9) Mary needed confirmation and understanding.Well, she had to tell someone and only Elisabeth would of believed her. So she was a support system for Mary as well as confirmation since Mary wouldn't have had any real way to know for sure that she was pregnant yet. What Gabriel said to Elisabeth came true, so Mary could then better understand that what Gabriel had said to her would also come true. Surely they would have shared their angelic experiences and been comforted by the fact that in every regard in sequence their accounts paralleled each others.


They both had obstacles of child bearing. 1 to old the other still a virgin. Both had the same reaction and the same statement was made to them by Gabriel. "BE NOT AFRAID" (seems most angels greet us humans that way) Terrifying experience!!! They are both promised a son and told what to name him. Both the same objection and a sign to show it. Luke runs these stories in parallel.


More than personal confirmation there is physical confirmation. (vs 44) The fetus in Elisabeth is a prophet with a silent prophecy. Filled with the Holy Spirit in his mothers womb.( vs 15 )


God wanted to achieve something through him connected to prophecy, He has joy and Elisabeth interprets that for us. WOW Where have we seen that before? (GEN 25) Rebekah, pregnant with Jacob and Esau, God gives prophecy through their movement in the womb. ( 2 nations will be at war and the older will serve the younger) ( Jacob became Israel and Esau the Arabs.) They are still at it today. Prophecy through movement in the womb.






Mary had faith but wanted, needed her faith strengthened. (vs 38) " Be it unto me according to THY WORD " I believe the bible, I reed it daily because it strengthens my faith. Scripture tells us that. Romans 10:17, Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by THE WORD Mary believed but didn't understand. So she sought confirmation of truth that she believed in order to strengthen her faith and gain a better understanding of what was going on. I showed personal and physical confirmation, last I show you prophetic confirmation. PLEASE do not get offended if what I say differs from your opinion. (vs 41) Elisabeth now filled with the Holy Spirit. (vs 45) Blessed is she (3rd person) that believed. This is a general Beatitude. Blessed is ANYONE who believes God will fulfill His promise. Believe God's WORD and you are blessed. (SALVATION), Deny Gods WORD and you are cursed. Zacharias was told about his wife Elisabeth, he didn't believe and he was cursed. ( vs 43 ) Mother of my Lord- (of the messiah.) NOWHERE in the Bible is Mary called "MOTHER of GOD" He was never generated.


In Jerusalem, the Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady at the place where Mary met her cousin Elizabeth.

Mary is not Mother of God . She is NOT the queen of heaven. NOT a co-redemtrice of Christ. NO mediator who gives us access to Jesus. What she is though is a great model of FAITH. That God His WORD.


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20 Truths of Christmas #15 HEROD was not a real king. Who was Herod?



He was an Edomite, not a Jew. In 47 B.C. Rome made Antipitar (Herod's dad) the procurator (ruler) of Israel. They made Herod Tetriarch of Galilee, like a governor. In 40 B.C. Persians attacked from the east. Herod ran back to Rome and told them he could handle it. Cesar Augustus gave him the title "King of the Jews" and gave him an army to rule that area for Rome. There was always east (Persian) vs. west (Romans)conflicts in Israel. 3 years later Herod won and gained power. Herod was a killer. He had his wife murdered along with her mother. Killed 2 of his sons and 5 days before he died, killed his 3rd son. He ordered, on his death, the execution of Israel's high ranking honorable men so the people would be mournful and remember his death. So its no wonder that when powerful Magi from the east rode in on their horses with their guards [BEHOLD there came wisemen] asking continuously "Where is He who was born King of the Jews" Herod flipped out. The bible says he was troubled or agitated, and all Jerusalem with him. He feared for his life and sought to eliminate the new born king. More of that later. For now just Herod and his role in Christmas makes #15 on this list.


See all of the beautiful art work we use on Pinterest.


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