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HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

HOW DO I GET FORGIVENESS? - Repentance Prayer at the National Day of Prayer - 2020 VISION VIDEO #7

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20 Truths of Christmas #16. 3 Gifts tell a tale. What does each of the 3 gifts the Magi brought Jesus mean?


My 3rd Truth concerning the Magi has to do with their 3 gifts. How many wise-men? It could've been 2 but was most likely a bunch. The Bible NEVER says 3. They would've rode in on great Persian horses, not on camels. It would've been quite an event (BEHOLD) WISEMEN CAME. " When they arrive they go to a (house), Jesus's birthday had been over for awhile. At least 41 days. Day 40 is when Mary and Joseph would've done the 2 turtle dove minimal sacrifice in Luke 2, if they had the gold from the Magi they would've sacrificed bigger AND now they are in a house. On to the gifts:


Gold- is the gift for a King. It is 100% pure and has always been the highest standard of currency.



Myrrh- an expensive perfume or ointment used for making humans smell good, to cover our filth & make us presentable. Also used for burial.


Frankincense- This is the most telling gift. See this was stored in the temple and used to throw on a fire for a LAVISH offering. Sending the fragrance and smoke up to God. Used for ceremonial purposes. EXODUS 30 states it is for God not for man. Ezekiel 16:18 God says this is My incense.

These gifts show that when they came to worship Jesus, they knew Him as God. 3 GIFTS. 1 for a man - 1 for a King - 1 for GOD. All 3 as a baby, Jesus the Christ. What a presentation.


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20 Truths of Christmas #17 - The "GlORY of GOD" Shows the Way. What was the star the Magi followed?



What was that STAR the Magi saw? Theories include: a real star, a nova, Jupiter (king of planets), Planetary alignment, a comet, a meteor, an orb, an illusion, a lightening storm... The Greek word used in Matthew [astare] we get star, but means a shinning. The O.T. Hebrew word [Ko-kawb] means to shine or a blazzing forth. Doesn't always mean star. Also they say it is "HIS" star. Now follow me.....Luke 2:9 the shepherds see the "Glory of God". Throughout the entire bible the "GLORY GOD" is manifest as light. From Mosses in Exodus to the transfiguration of Jesus in Matthew 17 when He shows His glory. Matthew 24:30 the sign of the son of man(see His glory), rev 1:16. Numbers 24:17, Mosses wrote " a [Ko-kawb] shall come forth from Jacob (Israel)..(messianic prophecy) Herod wanted to know when it lit up (fah'ee-no) appeared. Like it wasn't there then it was, then it wasn't then it appears over a house in Bethlehem. What ever the nature of the [astare] was, it was none of those theories. I believe it was the "Glory of God" shown as light, to guide the way.


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20 Truths of Christmas - #18 The WISE MEN were Official KING Annointers. Just Who are these Magi?



They were Persian, Gentiles from the East, coming because they were aware of the anticipated birth of the savior, who their people, no doubt heard about 600 years earlier in the old testament from Daniel. (Dan 2:10) (Dan 4:7). Daniel became chief of them (Dan 5:11) He obviously then taught them all his information about the God of the bible and the coming savior. They are called Magi, which are a tribe of heredity priesthood people from the Medes. Through the years came to great prominence in other lands. Skilled in astronomy, astrology and math, over time some believed them to be of sorcery and corrupted the meaning of their name and purpose. Greek word (magos) -Magi we get the word (magician) (magic) and use it as a synonym for sorcery (corruption of the word). MAGI is just a name of this tribe of these high ranking, highly educated powerful people. Matthew introduces Jesus to us as KING so he includes the (wise-men) to show us that these king makers of the world came to recognize Him and crown Him as King and worship Him as Lord. Knowing Daniels great hope was fulfilled.


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